
Need help? We’re here

Whether you need immediate crisis support, counselling, or a support group where you can work through a particular issue, Lifeline Northern Beaches is here to help. This page outlines our main services, to help point you in the right direction.


Suicidal thoughts? Call Lifeline 13 11 14
With Lifeline’s 24-hour Telephone Crisis Support service, you’re never alone. Phone lines are manned by trained counsellors who can help you through your situation. No judgement – just unconditional care and support.

Prefer to chat online? We’re here every night
If you’d prefer to talk online rather than over the phone, we’re online to chat anytime. Visit our Crisis Chat page.

Support services

Even if you don’t need emergency support, there are still plenty of ways Lifeline Northern Beaches can help. All too often, people feel like they’re going through tough times alone – and we are here to let you know that’s not the case!


We can connect you with the people and resources you need to understand, manage and make it through difficult times, whether it’s a relationship breakdown, losing a loved one, or quitting smoking.

Face-to-face counselling is an integral part of our service at Lifeline Northern Beaches. We are a low-cost counselling service which offers affordable counselling with no referrals needed and no limit on how many sessions required. Our counsellors are tertiary trained and accredited professionals, who also have training in applied suicide intervention skills. Our counsellors are available for specialised, face-to-face counselling sessions – both during and after business hours, and on weekends.

Many people go through financial difficulties at some stage, and it can be hard to see a way out. The good news is, we offer a financial counselling service to give you the specific expertise and support you need.

This service is free.

Sometimes the best way to work through an issue is by connecting with other people who can relate first-hand. Through our support groups, we give people the chance to do just that. By talking openly, sharing ideas and experiences, and being there for each other, our group members gain valuable support and feel less alone. Our group facilitators are tertiary trained, accredited professionals and have specialist knowledge and experience in specific areas. They also have training in applied suicide intervention skills.

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) is a Government initiative designed to establish links between people living in aged care facilities and their local community – helping to prevent the depression and anxiety that can be caused by loneliness and social isolation. It’s a program Lifeline Northern Beaches is proud to be part of, and a great opportunity to create connections with older community members.

Want to take charge of your situation, but not quite ready for in-person support? We’ve gathered a collection of useful self-help tools and resources to help you take charge yourself.

Thank you to our partners

Rotary Clubs of the Northern Beaches
St Augustine's
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Making Meditation Mainstream